Lightsaber can be a powerful weapon when used correctly, especially when combined with the Force Powers. The saber is very effective offensively; each time it passes through a player's body, it deals damage based on the swing type and hit location. You can also use your lightsaber as a projectile, which is highly useful, even against other saber users.
The Blaster Pistol is a basic weapon with infinite ammo. The primary fire mode is somewhat ineffective, as it deals little damage and can easily be blocked by a lightsaber. The secondary fire, on the other hand, when fully charged, can kill an enemy in one shot. The longer you charge it, the more powerful the shot will be.
In primary fire mode, it fires a single straight shot at a slow rate, which deals a small amount of damage if it hits the target. In secondary fire mode, it rapidly fires the same type of shots, but with a slight randomization in direction (low accuracy). If you encounter a group of enemies and lack more advanced rapid-fire weaponry, this can be a good choice. The best strategy is to get close to the enemy and use secondary fire.
The Tenloss Disruptor Rifle is the best weapon for long-range combat, as there is no delay between firing and hitting the target. In primary mode, it fires a single accurate and quick shot, though the damage is relatively low. Primary fire is useful against snipers expecting you to use the secondary fire. The alt-fire mode allows you to charge the shot before firing, which deals significantly more damage but requires you to remain stationary while charging.
In primary fire mode, you can charge each shot by holding down fire. Once you shoot, multiple shots are fired in an arc, with more shots fired the longer you charge. In secondary fire mode, the shot ricochets off walls. This mode has a faster rate of fire than the primary function and deals significantly more damage.
The repeater's primary fire sprays metallic bolts at a very fast rate toward your target, which can be useful at close range, but only if the target's saber isn't up. The rate of fire is faster than that of any other weapon in the game. The more useful mode is the alt-fire, which launches a blue blob that deals splash damage upon impact, similar to a rocket launcher. However, unlike the rocket launcher, the blob is affected by gravity, so aiming requires a different approach (and can be easier in some situations).
The DEMP is particularly effective against electrical objects (such as AT-ST Walkers and other vehicles), temporarily stunning them and preventing them from firing. In alt-fire mode, it generates an expanding field of electricity that deals more damage the closer players are to its origin. You can charge the field for greater range by holding down fire before releasing it. Additionally, affected players will be prevented from firing weapons or using the Force for a short period. For instance, a fully charged thermal detonator (ready to be thrown far) will discharge, forcing the user to take more time to charge another throw. The secondary fire destroys all mines and rockets in its pulse range and can damage through walls. The primary fire mode fires a weak projectile version unaffected by gravity. If it hits an enemy, it prevents them from shooting or using the Force for a short time, in addition to dealing a small amount of damage.
This is one of the most effective guns in the game. The Golan's primary fire launches a burst of small particles that can deal substantial damage to a target. It's useful for finishing off a target with low health. The secondary fire mode shoots two explosive balls. Unlike the primary mode, these 'orange' balls are affected by gravity and bounce off walls and the floor. They explode upon contact with a player or after a certain time. The balls' initial trajectory is slightly random, so they are easier to land at close range.
The primary fire mode shoots a powerful energy shot that deals splash damage and is unaffected by gravity. The secondary fire mode fires an instant beam that knocks down any nearby player it hits. If the player is too far away, the beam deals a small amount of damage and slightly alters their trajectory.
The rocket launcher is an excellent weapon. Its missiles travel in a straight line and explode upon impact. The closer the enemy is to the explosion, the more damage it deals. The best strategy is to aim at the enemy so that if you miss, the missile will still hit a wall or floor nearby to cause damage. The secondary fire mode fires a single 'smart' missile that tracks locked targets.
The Thermal Detonator is a small explosive device. To use it, you charge by holding down the fire key and release to throw. The longer you charge, the farther it will go. Thermals are affected by gravity. In primary fire mode, they bounce off walls and floors until detonating after a set time or on impact with a player. Secondary fire mode causes immediate detonation upon any impact, making it more useful since it deals damage more quickly and prevents enemies from escaping.
In primary fire mode, the Trip Mine detonates if its beam is broken or the mine is destroyed. In secondary fire mode, it explodes when an enemy comes within range or if the mine is destroyed, without needing a beam. You can place up to 10 trip mines; for each additional mine, the oldest one disappears. Secondary trip mines explode after a set time if not triggered.
A Detonation Pack is a small explosive device with a remote trigger. Pressing the primary fire key throws it in an arc, while the secondary key detonates it. You can also self-detonate when near an enemy for significant damage. Detonation Packs explode after a set time or if the player who placed them dies.