Gameplay Force Powers

Force Jump

Allows you to make a tremendous vertical leap. Jump uses more force the higher you jump, maxing out at 30 force points.

  • Level 1: Jump is twice as high as normal.
  • Level 2: Jump is four times as high as normal.
  • Level 3: Jump is eight times as high as normal.

Force Speed

Force speed increases your overall speed in the game. Speed takes 50 force points to activate.

  • Level 1: Increase speed by 25% for 10 seconds
  • Level 2: Increase speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
  • Level 3: Increase speed by 75% for 20 seconds.

Force Push

Allows you to push enemies and world objects away from you. Push uses 20 force points. Also, keep in mind that a force push can redirect an incoming missile, and if you're fast enough, a concussion shot.

  • Level 1: Allows you to push a specific enemy or object focused on.
  • Level 2: Allows you to push back multiple enemies or objects in a limited arc.
  • Level 3: Allows you to push back multiple enemies with enough force to do damage by pushing the enemies into solid surfaces or off ledges.

Force Pull

Allows you to pull enemies towards you. Pull uses 20 force points. It also defends against Force Pull attacks.

  • Level 1: Allows you to pull a specific enemy focused on.
  • Level 2: Allows you to pull multiple enemies in a limited arc.
  • Level 3: Allows you to pull multiple enemies with enough force to knock targets down at close range.

Force Sense

Allows you to see all players clearly by surrounding them with a glowing aura visible through walls. It counteracts Mind Trick and allows you to dodge sniper shots. It takes 20 force points to activate.

  • Level 1: See players' auras highlighted in view for 10 seconds.
  • Level 2: See players' auras in view and through walls for 20 seconds.
  • Level 3: See players' auras in view and through walls at any range for 30 seconds. Players can automatically dodge sniper shots at this level.

Force Protection

Casting this will protect the user from various attacks such as projectiles and even lightsaber attacks. It gradually takes force points while you have it activated. It also stops either when you run out of force, or after 20 seconds elapse.

  • Level 1: 50% damage blocked, 100% removed from Force pool, max 100 damage, uses 50 force points to activate.
  • Level 2: 75% damage blocked, 50% removed from Force pool, max 200 damage, uses 25 force points to activate.
  • Level 3: 87.5% damage blocked, 25% removed from Force pool, max 400 damage, uses 10 force points to activate.

Force Absorbtion

It absorbs a certain amount of dark side force and replenishes your own. It greatly weakens force push and pull, and totally negates force lightning, drain, and grip. Similar to Force Protect, it stops either when you run out of force or after 20 seconds elapse. It also gradually takes force points while you have it activated.

  • Level 1: Nullifies rank 1 Force attacks, reduces the effect of higher-rank Force attacks. Returns some Force power. Uses 50 force points to activate.
  • Level 2: Nullifies rank 2 Force attacks, greatly reduces the effect of higher-rank Force attacks. Returns greater Force power. Uses 25 force points to activate.
  • Level 3: Nullifies all Force attacks. Returns even greater Force power. Uses 10 force points to activate.

Force Heal

As the name implies, it will restore a certain amount of health points. It increases your health by a maximum of 25 points.

  • Level 1: Regains 5 health points instantly and uses 65 force points.
  • Level 2: Regains 10 health points instantly and uses 60 force points.
  • Level 3: Regains 25 health points instantly and uses 50 force points.

Mind Trick

This force power is a way to make yourself invisible to an enemy player. Aggressive actions and loud noises will alert the enemy. It is countered by Force Sight and can be detected by Push and Pull due to the force countering animation. When activated, you will hear a confirmation sound and a twinkling icon will appear above enemies' heads. Mind Trick takes 20 force points to activate.

  • Level 1: Invisible to a single targeted enemy for 20 seconds.
  • Level 2: Invisible to enemies in a forward arc of moderate distance for 25 seconds.
  • Level 3: Invisible to all enemies in a moderate distance for 30 seconds.

Heal Other

Force Heal Other allows you to restore a certain amount of health to your allies within a certain radius of your body. It can restore 50 health to one ally, 33 health to two allies, or 25 health to three or more allies.

  • Level 1: Normal range, uses 50 force points.
  • Level 2: One and a half times normal range, uses 33 force points.
  • Level 3: Double normal range, uses 15 force points.

Force Grip

Using this will choke your enemy and slowly deplete their health. Using it alone isn't as useful as it looks, but when combined with other methods, it's the best power in the game. Examples: Grip an enemy and smash them to the ground for an instant kill. Grip an enemy and quickly toss your saber - this move will instantly kill any enemy, including force users. It is countered by Force Absorb and can be broken by a Force Push or Pull.

  • Level 1: Affected enemy is gripped and held undamaged but immobile for 5 seconds. User must remain stationary. Uses 30 force points.
  • Level 2: Enemy is affected similarly to rank 1, but the grip can damage and lift enemies with prolonged focus. User must remain stationary. Uses 30 force points.
  • Level 3: Enemy is affected similarly to rank 2, but the user can move freely and smash the enemy into walls and other obstacles or use the enemy as a shield while still doing choke damage. Uses 60 force points.

Force Drain

Drain steals force points from other players and converts them into HP for yourself. It is countered by Force Absorb. Drain uses 20 force points.

  • Level 1: Launches a single bolt that fires forward, draining 10 Force points per second and healing that amount.
  • Level 2: An unaimed, continuous attack, draining 15 Force points per second.
  • Level 3: Emanates a sustained fan in a large forward arc, draining any target in front of you for 20 Force points per second.

Force Lightning

This force power allows you to shoot bolts of lightning from your hand, causing damage to opponents. The damage and effectiveness of this power increase with each level. It can be used with one hand, but if you deactivate your saber, you can use it with both for an even more powerful effect. This power is countered by Force Absorb.

  • Level 1: Launches a single bolt that fires forward, doing instant damage.
  • Level 2: Allows you to maintain Force Lightning for a sustained forward attack.
  • Level 3: Emanates a sustained fan of electricity in a large forward arc, damaging multiple targets.

Force Rage

Rage activates a mode in which you move and attack faster and take far less damage from weapons. It is very difficult to kill a player with rage activated using weapons. While rage is activated, the player's HP will count down to 1, at which point rage will stop (the player can also deactivate rage earlier than that). When rage deactivates, the player's speed will be slower than normal for a short time. Rage uses 50 force points.
Dark Rage: Attack 33% faster, move 100% faster, decrease damage taken by 50%, wielder cannot die (health stays at 1).
Dark Rage Recovery: Attack 50% slower, move at 75% speed.

  • Level 1: Rage for 10 seconds, 10-second recovery.
  • Level 2: Rage for 20 seconds, 10-second recovery.
  • Level 3: Rage for 30 seconds, 10-second recovery.

Team Energize

Force Team Energize allows you to restore a certain amount of Force energy to your allies within a certain radius of your body. It can restore 50 Force points to one ally, 33 Force points to two allies, or 25 Force points to three or more allies.

  • Level 1: Normal range, uses 50 force points.
  • Level 2: One and a half times normal range, uses 33 force points.
  • Level 3: Double normal range, uses 25 force points.

Saber Attack

This ability gives you the lightsaber as a weapon. At least level 1 must be obtained to receive the lightsaber. The additional levels simply make your swings more powerful and don't change how many force points it takes to execute each saber move.

Saber Defence

Saber defense relates to the ability to defend against saber attacks and deflect incoming projectiles. Survival still depends on personal movement and various saber combat techniques, but at least your character moves a lot faster to block and deflect. It doesn't use any force points to use saber defense.

Saber Throw

Saber throw allows you to use your lightsaber as a projectile, which is highly useful even against other saber users. While your saber is in the air, your force points won't regenerate. It uses 20 force points, regardless of how far it travels.

  • Level 1: Saber has slow speed and short range.
  • Level 2: Range is much lenghtened.
  • Level 3: Range is unlimited.